Apr 30, 2009

Being better, being different and being excellent.

Well, I just got back from D-town (Detroit, that is [for all you Hoosier natives]) where I attended a photography seminar hosted by Sandy Puc.

At the conference, Sandy announced that the hunt for America's Cutest Kid through the National Charity Model Search had come to a close. Each vote was $1 and all proceeds from each vote benefited Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS.org). I was SO excited to learn that OVER $164,000 was raised for NILMDTS! Wow. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is a non-profit organization committed to assisting parents and families going through the difficult time when they experience an early infant loss. NILMDTS connects families with photographers in nearly every country and city (like myself and Tama Bradley in Fort Wayne, Indiana) and provides them with a DVD and a reproducible CD of the images of their baby. This free service to the community helps comfort grieving families by offering them something positive in the midst of tragedy...something beautiful in honor and remembrance of their child's life.

At the conference, several nationally-known businesses were also present for we professional photographers to mingle and network with. During my visit, I came across some GORGEOUS products that I now will be offering to you...my fabulous clients! I simply couldn't resist them and I know you won't want to either!

For weddings, I have offered flush mount albums since they hit the market. They are FABULOUS, you know? Thank goodness our only option is no longer just paper-mounted corners whose glue fades or chinsy proof albums whose plastic falls apart. Flush mounts are in a category all their own - worth EVERY dime. Flush mount albums are bound hard cover books that page through just like the finest coffee table books. No more lugging the fragile behemoth with photos falling out on all sides—it’s all in one piece, just like a book - filled with beautiful photographs custom mounted to pages for memories to treasure. The smooth and durable pages plus the rich colors against custom-designed backgrounds are simply the best wedding albums available today.

Anyway...got off on a flush-mount-happy tangent there. : )

At the conference, I ran into the folks from Finao (I'd seen them online but was excited to be able to meet them in person). Now...let me back up. I've been in the wedding photography industry for 10 years now so I've seen a ton of products and companies come and go. Finao's quality and range of options stopped me completely in my tracks. Finao makes flush mount albums with attitude. And, let's just be honest. The people who choose me as their photographer are looking for images with attitude...not just everyday posed and boring photographs. So, Finao is a perfect match for me. Their albums offer exquisite quality combined with fabulous leathers and upgrade options like a Canvas or ICE (acrylic) cover. Move away from the ordinary towards the extraordinary! Their leathers range from quality basics to the hottest looks around. Their goal is "being better, being different and being excellent." And let me tell you - they ARE!

I am officially incorporating the Finao albums into my product line over the next few weeks (along with a launch of a new Web site in just a short while - woo hoo!). I will get my samples in in about two weeks, so if you want to see them, give me a ring and we'll go grab coffee and I'll bring all the fun new goodies for you to touch and feel!

By the way - when it's not raining or freezing cold (nice spring, eh?) - let's update your family portrait! Fort Wayne is just BURSTING with stunning flowers right now. Beat the summer rush!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your new site!